REPUX-Blockchain Powered Data Marketplace

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RepuX is a protocol level framework upon which various types of corporate and user data can be monetized and exchanged between different parties. Combining multiple cutting edge decentralized technologies such as IPFS, Sia and Ethereum/EOS, along with a possible upgrade to a custom high-throughput block-chain, RepuX allows the creation of a highly decentralized marketplace for data and information.

An API will enable these marketplaces to be developed by 3rd parties to suite their specific niche. By conducting value, data transfers and decentralized applications directly between peers in the protocol, RepuX allows the creation of various B2B (business to business) data sharing possibilities for excess user and corporate aggregate data, that does not exist in the current market.

The RepuX protocol has a vision to facilitated monetization of data through effective transfer among developers, collectors, and users. It will also allow the evaluation of data safely and trustfully. The developers will be able to create and transfer their data to the collectors to generate products and services which will reach the end users in the form of exchange for RepuX(RPX) tokens.

How Does RepuX Work?
RepuX will use an API that allows marketplaces to be created by third parties. These third parties can create marketplaces that suit their specific niche. RepuX allows the creation of various business to business (B2B) data sharing possibilities for excess user and corporate data — a solution that does not exist in the current marketplace.

The ecosystem revolves around the use of RepuX tokens, which will eliminate the need for middlemen and intermediaries across multiple industries.

Participants in the RepuX marketplace will have an optional reputation system. That reputation is verified by an oracle system, which checks previous transactions from participants.

Developers will interact with the RepuX marketplace by purchasing and receiving access to company data in a secure way. Developers can use this data to create decentralized applications. Developers will be able to access data through a RESTful API. They’ll be able to preview data, subscribe to it, and choose specific companies or industries.

The end result is that RepuX solves a crucial problem in the AI industry: today, there’s a “digital divide” between those who have easy access to machine learning datasets and those who do not. This is concentrating AI development in the hands of an elite few — including corporations with access to enormous datasets. RepuX wants to solve this problem by creating a transparent, competitive marketplace for data.

The Repux platform will take advantage of existing decentralized data storage providers such as IPFS, Sia, and Storj, thus helping the entire crypto ecosystem by using existing technologies. The team will build the API into the system, which will assist in the creation of various applications over the underlying protocol. This allows third-party teams and developers to quickly build applications that utilize the underlying technology.
RepuX Technology
The technology of the RepuX Protocol can be broken down into 4 separate layers.

Repux Mecanism:


The application layer is at the top of the RepuX Protocol. This front-facing layer consists of various decentralized applications, or Dapps, that third-party application developers can build on top of the existing RepuX API infrastructure. An example of this could be a service that allows individuals or entities to sell social media usage data in exchange for accessing a website.

The next layer of the RepuX Protocol is the data layer. This layer contains all of the data that can be purchased and sold within RepuX. By storing the data layer in a decentralized infrastructure such as IPFS, StorJ8 or Sia, we do not only ensure the existence of the data, but also ensure that the data is stored in a decentralized fashion. Data ownership, sharing, security and privacy preferences can be actualized using multi-signature cryptographic primitives native to the blockchain, to ensure data be redundantly secured on chain and also seen and utilized by by parties.

In order to handle transactions occurring on the data layer, we employ a decentralized logic layer. This layer could be built on top of the existing Ethereum infrastructure; however, we are also exploring the use of EOS, or a custom blockchain infrastructure that could potentially scale to millions of transactions.

At the base of the RepuX Protocol, we build a value layer, which powers the layers above and ensures that it is compensated appropriately for what they do within the RepuX Protocol. We have created the RepuX Token as part of this value layer to allow parties to send value payments between one another for purchases and sales of data and other goods and / or services. Value of the tokens can be proportional to their demand for use in data sharing contractual services, whereby different tiers of token holding quantities can enable more advanced and larger scale data sharing capabilities. This acts as a mechanism for fairly distributing available blockchain-based data storage and serves as a demand vehicle for tokens that enables fair data usage.

Application Layers and APIs
Blockchain leverages a peer-to-peer network to govern transactions and interactions across a distributed community, making it extremely difficult to create a fraudulent transaction. With blockchain and decentralization, every entity is incorporated in the process and no one entity has control over all of the process.

We designed RepuX, from the beginning, to create an application programming interface (or API) where any application developer can work on the RepuX Protocol. This malleable protocol means that RepuX is not designed for one specific purpose, but rather to permit developers to build upon it for the potential benefit of many different industries.

API Structure
We intend to use easy-to-use Web3.js + Metamask APIs that will allow third parties to easily access and rapidly build external applications upon the RepuX infrastructure. In addition to easy-to-use JS APIs, we can also enable more application-based APIs that third parties can use to develop upon.

Data Layer
In order to ensure user data is stored in a decentralized fashion, we will use a number of different technologies. In this White Paper, we describe an IPFS1 based infrastructure utilizing IPFS hashes. With the RepuX Protocol, we use IPFS in order to maintain the database of data referenced by hashes in our logic layer and APIs. By using IPFS, we do not only guarantee the decentralized nature of our data but also ensure that the data is permanent through IPFS hashes.

What is IPFS?
InterPlanetary File System (or IPFS) is a protocol designed to create a permanent and decentralized method of storing and sharing files. It is a content-addressable, peer-to-peer hypermedia distribution protocol. Nodes in the IPFS network form a distributed file system. IPFS List of contents by a unique “hash”. IPFS enables the creation of fully decentralized technologies that can connect all computing devices within the same fiile system. IPFS is similar to how a bit torrent swarm exchanges information, in a decentralized yet organized way.

Key Features of IPFS

IPFS has the following features:

  • It defines a content-addressing file system;
  • It coordinates content delivery;
  • It has file systems and mounting;
  • It can be accessed through common protocols such as HTTP;
  • It guarantees integrity through the hash-addressed content system;
  • Connection can occur through many network protocols;
  • There is no central point of failure; and
  • It enables additional functionality through systems such as Filecoin.

However, as the infrastructure is still maturing at a rapid pace, we will continue to explore additional data on infrastructure options, such as Storj and Sia

The application layer is above the Repux Protocol. The front-facing layer consists of a variety of decentralized applications, or Dapps, third-party application developers can build on existing Repux API infrastructure. Storing data layers in decentralized infrastructure such as IPFS, StorJ8 or Sia, we not only ensure data, but also ensure that data is stored in a decentralized way. Ownership of data, sharing, security and privacy preferences can be actualized by using a multi-primitive cryptographic cryptography derived from blockchain, to ensure data is secured excessively in the chain and also seen and used only by preferred parties, In the Repux Protocol base, we build a layer value, which gives strength to the layers above and ensures that people are properly compensated for what they do in the Repux Protocol.

The RepuX ICO
RepuX’s ICO began with a pre-sale on November 17. The pre-sale is scheduled to last until January 23, 2018.

The main token sale is scheduled for February 6 to March 9, 2018.

There’s a total supply of 100,000,000 REPUX tokens. 20% of tokens are allocated for the pre-sale. 30% are reserved for the ICO. The remaining tokens are split between the rewards pool (10%), founding team (12%, with a 3 year vesting period), ambassadors (3%), and ICO bounties (2%). The final portion will be sold on the platform (23%).

RepuX has set a hard cap of $33.1 million USD for the token sale. All tokens will be distributed to investors on April 10, 2018.

Tokens are priced at a rate of $0.10 during the pre-sale, rising to $0.14 to $20 during the main crowdsale.


  • Presale
    November 17, 2017 / 2pm UTC to
    January 23, 2018 / 2pm UTC
  • Token Sale
    February 6, 2018 / 5pm UTC to
    March 9, 2018 / 5pm UTC
    500.000.000 REPUX
  • Price
    1 REPUX = 0.20 USD
    Maximum Goals
    Hard cap: 33.1 million USD
    Soft seal: 1,000,000 USD
  • Currency received
    ETH, BTC and Wire Transfer
    Token Distribution Date March 9, 2018
    Emission Level
    No new tokens will be created

Who’s Behind RepuX?
RepuX is being developed by a team of 14+ people who have decades of experience in software development and enterprise software sales. The company has already signed deals with developers who have potential access to millions of SMBs within China.

Key members of the team include Marcin Welner (Management Team), Aleksandra Staszewska (Product Team), and Tomasz Tybon (Management Team).

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Author: Dandingdongbray
Profil Bitcointalk:;u=1767724

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